  • 【江西新闻客户端】可敬可爱的江西丨莫怡健:汉字一撇一捺都是故事
  • 作者:雷若琪 摄影: 点击数:
  • 发布时间:2023-01-21字体:[


    Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, more and more foreigners come to work, study and live in China, steadily chasing their dreams here. Jiangxi News Application make a series of videos titled ' Admirable and Respectable Jiangxi' , enabling international students to talk about their life in China around the development and changes in Jiangxi Province. From the perspective of international friends, Jiangxi stories and Chinese stories could be vividly presented to readers at home and abroad.



    Mohammad Azman

    印度尼西亚籍 南昌大学学生

    Indonesia, Student of Nanchang University


    'Chinese is difficult to learn, especially to write, because each stroke of a Chinese character is a story.'


    Mohammad Azman, a student from Nanchang University, majoring in software engineering , could feel the wisdom of ancient Chinese people every time when he learns a Chinese character. In his opinion, only by speaking and writing Chinese characters well can we have a better understanding of Chinese culture.

    “中国的文化博大精深!”莫怡健总是发出感慨。为了深入了解中国文化、增进对汉字的读写能力,莫怡健参加过校园诗歌朗诵和写家书比赛,“我朗诵过《面朝大海 春暖花开》和《热爱生命》。大二的时候,我将大一的经历感受写成家书,给我的家人朋友。”他骄傲地告诉记者。

    'Chinese culture is extensive and profound! ' Azman admires with emotion. In order to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and improve his ability to read and write Chinese characters, he participated in campus poetry recitation and letter-writing contest. ' I recited 'Facing the sea, flowers blooming in Spring' and' Loving Life' . When I was a sophomore, I wrote letters home about my freshman experience to my family and friends.' He told interviewers proudly.


    When Azman visits a new city, he starts by learning about its culture. He has lived in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province for five years, came to Nanchang this September for studying. ' I know Nanchang holds strong' red' revolutionary culture. The Nanchang Uprising is originated here. I would start to know Nanchang gradually from here. '




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