  • 【江西新闻客户端】可敬可爱的江西丨李谦:春节期间,大街小巷是“年味”
  • 作者:雷若琪 摄影:
  • 发布时间:2023-01-21字体:[


    Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, more and more foreigners come to work, study and live in China, steadily chasing their dreams here. Jiangxi News Application make a series of videos titled ' Admirable and Respectable Jiangxi' , enabling international students to talk about their life in China around the development and changes in Jiangxi Province. From the perspective of international friends, Jiangxi stories and Chinese stories could be vividly presented to readers at home and abroad.


    Interviewee: Abdul Raheem

    巴基斯坦籍 南昌大学学生

    Pakistan, Student of Nanchang University


    Wearing new clothes, going to the market, eating gourmet food... During the Spring Festival, Abdul, a student who comes from Pakistani, is always busy with his friends. As one of the most important traditional festivals in China, the lively atmosphere of the Spring Festival affects both Chinese and foreign friends.


    Abdul is currently studying in Nanchang University clinical medicine major, comes to China for nearly 3 years, he would celebrate the Spring Festival with overseas students here. ' When it comes to the Spring Festival, you can feel the 'New Year flavor', as the Chinese say.' ' In the school, we have ( different) activities like we eat different foods to celebrate the Spring Festival ' He said.


    The Spring Festival is coming soon, at the end of the interview, in accordance with the Chinese tradition, Abdul sent his New Year wishes for friends and relatives in his hometown, hoping them can have good health and good luck.




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