  • 【江西新闻客户端】可敬可爱的江西丨李迪:学好中文成为最美的梦想
  • 作者:雷若琪 摄影: 点击数:
  • 发布时间:2023-01-21字体:[


    Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, more and more foreigners come to work, study and live in China, steadily chasing their dreams here. Jiangxi News Application make a series of videos titled ' Admirable and Respectable Jiangxi' , enabling international students to talk about their life in China around the development and changes in Jiangxi Province. From the perspective of international friends, Jiangxi stories and Chinese stories could be vividly presented to readers at home and abroad.


    Interviewee: Abdivokhidov Abdilaziz

    乌兹别克斯坦籍 南昌大学学生

    Uzbekistan,Student of Nanchang University


    Abdivokhidov, a student from Uzbekistan is now studying Chinese at Nanchang University to learn Chinese well and be a translator.


    'Because my pronunciation is not very well, that’ s why I have to improve my Chinese pronunciation.' Abdivokhidov, who has lived in China for three and a half years, likes to speak Chinese with his friends and ask them to correct his pronunciation. 'It's hard,' he said. 'But every time I get corrected, I get closer to my goal.'


    Speaking of memories about Jiangxi, Abdivokhidov remembers his previous trip to Poyang Lake. Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China and an important wetland in the world. Abdivokhidov is one of the endless stream of tourists who come to watch birds. Every year, about 600,000 to 700,000 migratory birds fly to Poyang Lake for winter. 'The scene is so spectacular. Poyang Lake deserves to be called the paradise for migratory birds. ' He said.




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